Tuesday, November 7

No, it's not always like this, is it?

Some days.

Toothache. Men who trim their sideburns above their ears. Foreigners with names that sound like swear words. Air-conditioning smelling like the bit between train carriages. When it works. Talk of yesterdays traffic. Foreigners swear word names shouted across the office. Confused looks from ladies talking about pregnancy. That man looks like Elvis. My phone spins much better on the desk when the keys are facing downwards. Left over buffet food. Big bit of gristle in a pork pie. Cleaner doesn't like hoovering because it's noisy. So is a carpet sweeper, and it's more annoying. I washed my cup today! First drink tasted of lavender washing up liquid. That's why I don't wash it up that often. Complaining. Does everyone complain about their job?