Thursday, May 4

Here at the end of all things

Goodness me, this fells a little wierd. I have finished all the coursework for university, that means for the forseeable future. I almost feel sad. No, hang on......I don't.
My final act of assessed bliss was a presentation, in the middle of which Alan decided to ring me. Why then? No-one ever rings me, never ever. My embarrassment was compounded by having Jenny singing her very own version of "Come and join the Celebration" (a Kendrick classic) as the ring tone. The titters turned to laughter as I dived to my bag, where I completely forgot which pocket the phone was in. Not wanting to distribute the many used plastic bags that had been my lunch vessels around the room, I grabbed the bag, started hitting it in the vain hope that I would make contact with the piece of singing plastic. Alas, to no avail, I had to retreat to the safety of the corridor before I the dulcet tones ceased of their own accord.
So thank you very much Jenny and Alan, for combining to make this last academic exercise a very memorable one. The best thing is, you don't even know that you did, yet. I'll thank you both personally.
Next up: Revision.
I'm looking forward to that. No, really I actually am.


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